Sunday, November 20th
Jesus said, "Keep awake, for ye do not know on what day your Lord is to come…….Hold yourself ready, for the Son of Man will come at the time you least expect him"
Matthew 24

Readiness is all, for it embraces commitment and obedience. Recall my parable for the bridesmaids; Five of them were prepared and alert, ready to receive the bridegroom when he came.

The Son of man constantly visits the Father's children, seeking their service in the building of His Kingdom, in the binding up of the broken hearted, and in myriad healing capacities; some he seeks to share in the saving from the wound of sin and self destruction through intercession and self giving - a demanding and often painful service. It rejoices His heart to find His faithful ones watching and waiting as it grieves him to be refused through sloth or through wilful refusal. For not only is the aid denied through that unwilling child of the Father, but that child suffers depravation by virtue of his unwillingness. And the challenge and honour is passed to another of becoming the hands and the feet and the heart of The Most High through the Presence of The Son of Man through the light and guidance of our Holy Spirit.

And the day and hour and minute will come for each and every child of the Father when the soul will be separated from body and the Son of Man will invite the soul to follow Him to the mansions of the Father. And each soul will stand as it has chosen to become through its readiness to be and do as invited by Our Indwelling.