Sunday, November 20th
Festival of Christ the King
2 Samuel l5; 1-3.Colossians1:12-20. Luke 23:35-3

Child of God, beloved of the Father, Lord Most High, and of Me, I am your King and your God, for so the Father has appointed. As I reign in the heart and mind of the obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in His love so is the Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love extended, the Father glorified, Our love and power offered to the one and many according to the Father’s loving purpose.

I am ‘The Christ of God, His Chosen One’, the King of all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Worship and adore your loving heavenly Father, live constantly in Me as I live in you, and let the Our loving Holy Spirit unite you with your brothers and your sisters near and far and bring you, with them, into the fulness of the Father’s glorious Presence in eternity.
(Luke 23:32-43,)