Sunday, November 13th
Remembrance Sunday
Malachi 3:19-20. 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12. Luke 21:5-19

Remember those who gave their life for the safety and well-being of their brothers and their sisters and let their self-sacrifice challenge you to give yourself in faith and trust to the will and loving purpose of the Father, Lord Most High.

The Kingdom of the living, loving God is founded on His living, loving Presence in His world, and the Father of one and all gives Himself to all responding to His will and loving purpose, uniting them in fellowship and love in time and through eternity.

The Father’s Word and Love Incarnate who gave Himself in faith and trust to the will and loving purpose of the Father, Lord Most High, is The Way, The Truth, the Life to all who seek to find, and finding give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Follow in the steps of the Son of Man in the grace and power of His love, and continue faithful in The Way.