Saturday, November 19th
Revelation 11:4-12. Luke 20:27-40

There is one way only by which the children of the Father’s love – all born into His world – can come to the perfection and fulfilment in His Presence which He lovingly seeks for them in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. The Father’s beloved and loving Son is The Way, The Truth, The Life: the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate speaks to each and every one born into the world. Through Him all responding to the Father’s word in the grace and power of His love are brought to life eternal and the Father’s Presence in the time of their present life.

The cost to the Father and to His beloved Son no-one can ever know, but all are called to follow in the steps of the Son of Man in faith and trust, offering all they have and all they are to Him who loved them into being that they may share in the suffering and victory of the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate and be brought to the fulness of the Father’s Presence in eternity.