Saturday, July 30th
St. Peter Chrysologos (406-450?)
Ecclesiastes 3:9-12. Luke 6:43-45

I the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate am your Means and your End to and in the Father, Lord and God Most High: I am the Way, the Truth the Life to life eternal, progress, perfection and fulfilment according to the Father’s loving purpose. Seek His will in all things through My indwelling ad the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

To each and every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters the Father’s Word is spoken, from each response continually sought that His will for them may be identified, His Word spoken through them and His Love unite them in service in His world according to His will and loving purpose.

‘The good person out of the treasure of his heart produces good and the evil person out of evil treasure produces evil, for it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks’. (Luke 6:45) (N.E.B.)