Sunday, July 17th
Genesis 18:1-10. Colossians 1:24-28. Matthew10:38-42

Your heavenly Father, King Most High, who is around you, within and beyond all that you could understand calls, sustains, progresses and perfects you as you seek to follow in the way He leads and guides.

Through His Incarnate Son and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the infinite is brought into the finite and all responding and receiving the light and life and truth offered are brought into ‘the mystery hidden for generations and now revealed to His saints’. (Colossians. 1:26)

All the redeemed and sanctified in and through the grace and power of Our love are brought into the Presence of the Father as they continue faithful to His Word and obedient in and through His love. The faithfully committed in Our love are progressed towards perfection in the Way and fulfilment in the nearer Presence of the Father in eternity, in fellowship with all the redeemed and sanctified in Our love.