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July 19th
7:14-15, 18-20. Mathew 12:46-50
Let the good purpose of the Father’s
perfect will be your comfort and
your challenge. Believe and trust
that He who has called you to His
service will bring you to perfection
and fulfilment and guide you as
you continue faithful in the way.
The Son of Man sought faithfulness
to the Father’s will in all
things knowing that the Father’s
loving purpose would be fulfilled
in and through His love for Him
and for all His beloved sons and
daughters in every race and place
and time .
In faith and trust and absolute
self-giving follow in the steps
of the Son of Man and identify with
His willingness to continue in the
path the Father opened up to Him
– even to the end. ‘In
the beginning was the Word’,
the Father’s Love expressed
and offered to His beloved sons
and daughters to identify, follow,
and seek the Father’s will
in the grace and power of Love’s
indwelling and the light and leading
of Our Holy Spirit.