Saturday, February 27th
Micah 1:14-15, 18-20. Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Ask the Father, Lord Most High, to fulfil His love in you which is His very Presence; ask Him to lead you into constant faithfulness and to the fulfilment of His will and loving purpose for those He has given you to love and to meet long the way. He calls the wanderer to return to the fold, forgives the sins and weaknesses of those following in the way and brings them to the haven of His Presence to rejoice in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love with all the fulfilled of all times and dispensations.

The loving kindness of the Father, Lord Most High, stays with and around all wanderers from the way of life and light and love, waiting for the turning and returning and receiving His forgiveness and restoration to their place in His Kingdom and to His Presence in fellowship with all made perfect in and through the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.