Friday, February 19th
Ezekiel 18:21-28. Matthew 5:20-26

Be constant in your following and faithful in the Way. Realise in the comings and the goings of your daily life that you are on a journey accompanied by the Son of Man who leads and guides you in and through Our Holy Spirit and progresses you in the Father’s loving purpose as you continue faithful in the way.

Identify with the Son of Man as He approaches the end of His incarnate life: be with Him in Gethsemane and follow Him to Golgotha. So will you come to the perfection and fulfilment of the Father’s will and loving purpose for you in eternity, in fellowship with all the redeemed and sanctified in Love.

‘I have come that men may have life and have it I all its fulness. (John 10:19.(N.E.B). Rejoice and follow faithfully.