Thursday, December 15th
Isaiah 5:1-10. Luke 7:24-30

Constantly the Father’s word is offered to His beloved sons and daughters and continually to each and every one, and ceaselessly the challenge given to centre and progress in eternal life through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. But there must be a reaching out for perfection in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love, and the desire to know and do the Father’s will according to His loving purpose. For the Lord your God is holy; it will be given you to enter in the beauty and the holiness as you continue faithful in the way, confessing all your faults and short-comings that you may be forgiven, cleansed, purified and received into the Father’s Presence in time and through eternity.

Believe and trust, trust and believe. Follow in the steps of the Son of Man and pray that the Father’s will be done in you and in all you love and pray for and increasingly in His world. And glorify the Father, Lord Most High, in all things.