Wednesday, October 29th
6:1-9. Luke 13:22-30
Realise and understand that the
Father who loved you into being
is one who loves each son and daughter
of His love not only into being
but into life abundant also.
And He calls one and all to work
together in the grace and power
of His love to fulfil His will and
loving purpose for each one and
all together led and guided by Our
Holy Spirit,
The Father’s word is powerful
to fulfil His will and loving purpose
in all who seek to find and finding
give themselves to Love’s
indwelling. But each one of His
beloved sons and daughters needs
to realize that love brings challenge
and response, for ‘to those
to whom much is given much will
be required’.
‘I am who I am’ and
you are who you are called to be
in and through the grace and power
of Our indwelling as you are obedient
to the Father’s word and faithful
in His love.
(Luke 12:48. Exodus 3)