Thursday, October 23rd
3:14-21. Luke 14:49-53
I, the Alpha and the Omega of all
things in the power and glory of
the Father, call you to the fullness
of Our redeeming, sanctifying love
in and through the grace and power
of Our indwelling.
Give glory to the Father whose will
it is that you come into His Presence
now and through eternity, and pray
that the good purpose of His perfect
will be fulfilled in you and in
all you love and pray for.
All are one in Us who seek the way,
the truth, the life and power to
follow in the way, identify the
truth, and receive eternal life
both now and through eternity.
I am the Resurrection and the Life;
I am the Bread of Life, sustaining
and progressing in the way of life
eternal. Give glory to the Father
in the grace and power of His Incarnate
Love and the light and leading of
Our Holy Spirit.