Monday, March 24th
2 Kings 5:1-15. Luke 4:25-30

The Most High loves each one of His beloved children as though there were no other and he calls them to perfection and fulfilment in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love. He speaks His Word to one and all who seek His will and guides them in the Way through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

And all are brothers and sisters in His love, each called to make their individual and personal contribution to each other according to the need in the grace ad power of His Love.

Be constantly aware of His Presence in your heart and mind as you continue faithful in the way in and through Our love, ready to respond as the Father’s will is revealed and so fulfil His loving purpose for the one and many. Love is the power and the glory: seek and receive and be perfected in and through Our love that you may glorify the Father and serve your brothers and your sisters near and far in and through Our love.