Sunday, March 23rd
Exodus 17:3-7. Romans 5:1-2,5-8. John 4:5-42

The Father loves His beloved sons and daughters into being: He sustains and leads them into maturity of mind and heart as they turn to Him, remain in Him and seek His will and loving purpose in their life and living in and through the grace and power of Love’s indwelling.

Through My life and death and risen life the sons and daughters of the Father’s love are received into His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love, progressed and strengthened, perfected and fulfilled in the fulness of eternity as they choose the Way, Truth, the Life the Father offers and give themselves to Love’s indweling led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

Seek the perfection We seek to give you in the grace and power of My death and risen life. In faith and trust and absolute self-giving follow in the steps of the Son of Man as you are led and guide by Our Holy Spirit: identify with His commitment to the Father’s will and pray for strength and power to do it in the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.