Saturday, March 15th
Deuteronomy 26:16-19. Matthew 5:43-48

You are a child of the Most High God – I speak to one, I speak to all. He loves and cares for you with such love and self-giving which cannot be imagined in a thousand light years. He is peace and righteousness, justice and loving-kindness and He calls you to His Presence in time and through eternity.

Then seek His Word and pray for grace and power to respond to it according to His will and loving purpose: the Father’s will is done through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate: in Me, through Me and through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the obedient in the Way and faithful in Our love are brought to the Father, Lord Most High. Our redeeming, sanctifying love cleanses and progresses in the Way

Glorify the Father, Lord Most High, through His Word in the grace and power of Love’s indwelling. So will We perfect and fulfil you and make you a channel of Our love to others.