Friday, May 31st
Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth
Zechariah 3:14-18. Luke 1:39-56

Joy is at the heart of creation and thanksgiving due from all the children of the Father for the power of re-creation offered through and in His love. Through His Incarnate Word and the obedience of one born in time the whole creation is transformed in faith and hope; and all responsive to the Father’s Word are brought into the orbit of Our loving as they continue obedient in the Way and faithful in Our love.

Fear nothing save separation from the hope of your high calling – I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in every place and time and generation. Love is its own reward and is given to all who give themselves to their loving heavenly Father in faith and trust, offering all they have and all they are to Him who loved them into being.

The brotherhood and sisterhood of the faithful is joy and power for extension of the Father’s Kingdom in His world. Rejoice, enjoy and give thanks.