Friday, May 3rd
Acts 15:22-31 John 15:12-17

In love and self-giving to the Father let Our Presence in your heart and mind lead and guide all you think and say and do that you may glorify the Father and that His will and loving purpose be fulfilled in you in His world.

Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the Father’s will is done in all obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in His love. I, the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, His love incarnate and His incarnate word, promise it ; for I am in the Father, He in Me, and all who are in Me are in the Father too.

So seek to obey the Father’s word in you that you love your brothers and your sisters near and far as I have loved and love you. So will you bear fruit that will last for I am with you always even to the end of time and through eternity.