May 23rd
5:1-10 Mark 9:41-50
Let all obedient to the Father’s
word and faithful in Hs love recall
His promise ,’I will provide’
and ‘with the Lord there is
steadfast love and with Him is plenteous
redemption. (Genesis 22:1-19 Psalm
130:5 Philippians 4:19).
And recall that all the sons and
daughters of the Most High are children
of His love, created in His image
to love and serve Him and their
brothers and their sisters near
and far in His Kingdom of eternal
life and light and love according
to His will and loving purpose.
All who seek the Father’s
word in the grace and power of His
love are one in Him and with each
other as they reach out to fulfil
through Us the hope of their high
calling. The perfection and fulfilment
which We offer is for yourself and
for all in the Father’s world
who respond to Our love and the
light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
Pray constantly that Or love increase
in you, in all you meet along the
way and in the whole of the Father’s