Thursday, March 28th
12:1-8,11-14. 1 Corinthians 13:1-15.
John 13:1-15
The Father offers His beloved and
loving Son to all His beloved sons
and daughters that they may have
life in Him through Our redeeming,
sanctifying love and become one
in Us in and through Our Holy Spirit
in time and through eternity.
This is the truth offered in and
through Our love and We call you
and all born into the world to receive
Our eternal offering in humility
and love and in the grace and power
of Our indwelling.
Seek and pray for faithfulness to
the Father’s word which He
offers you in and through His Word
Incarnate: I speak to one, I speak
to every one. Respond to My cleansing,
purifying Presence in your heart
and mind that you may know and do
the Father’s will according
to His loving purpose. Receive and
give, give and receive ; My body
broken and My blood poured out are
your redemption and your power for
progress to and in the Father in
and through His all-embracing, everlasting