March 11th
65:,17-21. John 4:43-54
Be faithful to the Father’s
word and have faith in His love.
The Most High, father of all born
into His world, will fulfil all
He lovingly wills and purposes in
all obedient in the way offered
them. So will His kingdom be extended
in His world, His beloved sons and
daughters progressed in life eternal.
Believe and trust in the redeeming,
sanctifying healing and perfecting
power of the love of the Most High
and follow as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. Eternal life
is in the Father’s hands and
He offers it continually to all
who seek His word and are faithful
in Our love and give themselves
to Him in faith and trust and absolute
self-giving to His will and loving
I am The Resurrection and The Life
(John 11:25) and all who are in
Me are in the Father too (John 17:21)..
I and the Father are one: I am in
the Father, He in Me (John 14:11)