Sunday, September 30th
Numbers 1125-29. James 5:1-6. Mark 9:38-43, 45,47-48

All good and generous thoughts and actions are prompted by your loving heavenly Father, so all refusing to receive or respond to them turn from the Father too. Our Holy Spirit keeps them in the realisation of their failure and loss unless they wilfully turn aside from the way.

Be constantly aware of the response required from all who seek truth and power to progress in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love. By what you are and what you are becoming you witness to faithfulness in the Way: I speak to al who commit themselves to Him who calls them to His Presence and to His service.

I, the Son of Man, the Father’s love incarnate and His incarnate word, call each and every one to follow in My steps as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Offer your whole self to the Father in the grace and power of Our redeeming sanctifying love.