Wednesday, September 19th
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13. Luke 7:31-35

The Father is love, the Son is love and love is the substance and the essence of Our Holy Spirit. All who seek truth seek Love also and love becomes a part of their very being as they give themselves to Love’s indwelling.

All born into the Father’s world are sons and daughters of His love. I, Only-Begotten of the Father before time was, became the Son of Man in His created world and brother of all one and all that I might offer them My life and death and risen life to bring them to the fulness of the Father.

Such is the truth for all born into the loving Father’s world, the wisdom for all times and ages. The proof of wisdom is in the kinds of people it produces (Luke 7:35, C.J.B). Then walk in the way, embrace the truth and receive the life the Father yearns to give to each and every one of His beloved sons and daughters. Pray ‘maranatha’ in supplication and thanksgiving.