Tuesday, September 18th
1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31. Luke 7:11-17

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, am His love and word incarnate and the Resurrection and the Life in His created world. I am in the Father, He in Me. It is the Father who lives in Me doing His own work. I came and I come that all may have and have it abundantly. The Father and I are one and I the Way, the Truth, the Life to and in eternal life, bringing all who are in Me and I in them to the Father in time and through eternity. (John 14 and 16)

All who are in Me and I in them are called to be surrogates of the Father’s Presence and channels of Our love according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. All life is one for all who live in Us and We in them, life which grows on what it feeds on. I am the Bread of Life in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and everlasting love. Feed on me in faith and trust, in love and in absolute self-giving and you will grow in Us and We in you as you continue faithful.