Friday, March 23rd
St. Turibius of Mongrovejo
2 Timothy 1:13-14. Mathew 9:35-36

The loving purpose of the Most High is established in the world of His creation, constructively and increasingly growing in the mind and heart of all who seek truth and power to walk in it. It is fulfilled in all obedient in the way in and through the grace and power of Our love and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Be steadfast in your commitment and faithful in your following in the steps of the Son of Man – I speak to one, I speak to every one. The Most High speaks to every one of His beloved sons and daughters through His word, to the one in the quietness of heart and mind and the many in the fellowship of meeting. Listen, then, and respond in faith and trust an absolute self-giving.

Pray that the good purpose of the loving Father’s perfect will be fulfilled in all you meet along the way. So will you obey and honour Him and become His light to others in His world.