March 15th
7:23-28. Luke 11:18-23
“I, creator of all
born into the world, redeemer
and protector of all who
follow in the Way, call
one and all to My Presence
in time and through eternity”,
So speaks the Father, lord
of all creation, who constantly
calls and ceaselessly loves
into perfection and fulfilment
all who seek His will and
faithfulness in His loving
purpose. Then turn and return
to he Rock of your salvation
in the grace and power of
the Hope of your high calling
in faith and trust and absolute
self-giving. I, the Father’s
word and love incarnate
speak to one, I speak to
All who seek obedience
and faithfulness in the
Way are given to become
Our healing, sanctifying
love to others through My
indwelling and the grace
and power of Our Holy Spirit.
Constantly test the genuineness
of your commitment and pray
for knowledge of the Father’s
will and power to do it
in and through Our redeeming,
sanctifying love. I am in
the Father; He in Me; I
am the Way, the Truth, the