Saturday, March 10th
Micah 7:14-15, 18-20. Luke:15:1-3,15-22

Life full and abounding is offered to all who seek their heavenly Father’s will and do it in the grace and power of His love. Eternal life is now, perfection and fulfilment in the glorious Presence of the Father, lord of all in heaven and earth, in the fulness of eternity. for all who follow faithfully in the way in faith and trust and self-giving

All have sinned and fallen short of the good purpose of their loving, heavenly Father’s perfect will. All are forgiven who humbly and trustingly come into His loving Presence asking for forgiveness of their sins and pardon for their weaknesses. And they are re-installed in the kingdom of His love as they continue faithful in the way and obedient to His word through Love’s indwelling and the Dynamic of Love’s presence in their heart and mind.