Monday, February 27th
Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18. Matthew 25:31-46

As the one and many in the Father’s world respond to His word and are faithful in His love so are the hungry fed, the spirit of the lonely raised, the sick visited and the Father’s will obeyed. Where this is not so the sick and needy languish and the hungry are not fed. So the disobedient to His word are doubly guilty of failure – firstly for disobedience to the Father’s Word in them and secondly for failure to respond to the needs of their brothers and their sisters near and far. Their lack of compassion and practical action for their fellowmen reveals the absence of Our Presence in their heart and mind.

The Spirit of the living God is powerful to fulfil all the Father wills and purposes. As the faithful and true of heart seek the source of the loving word and call to compassionate action, and follow in the light and power of Our love so is the Father glorified and they are brought to perfection and fulfilment in the Father’s presence in the fulness of eternity.