Thursday, February 2nd
The Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4. Hebrews 2:14-18. Luke 2:22-41

The Most High, father of His beloved sons and daughters born into His world, presents His beloved Son to the world of His creation and calls them to respond to Him and to His word, His love and to His loving purpose for them and for His whole creation.

I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High God, His word and love incarnate, am the light of the world offered to all who will receive me in every place and race and dispensation. Receive me in your heart and mind that I may purify and bless your inner being and become your loving heavenly Father’s light to His world according to His will and loving purpose – I speak to one, I speak to all.

In humility and love receive and give, give and receive through the grace and power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.