Wednesday, February 2nd
Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4. Hebrews 2:14-18. Luke 2:22-40

Take to yourself The Word offered, receive into the innermost part of your being His Presence, power and glory that He may purify you and bring you to fulness and perfection in the eternal Presence of the Lord of all in fellowship with all the redeemed and sanctified in Us.

The light of the glory of the Holy One of all nations and all peoples shines on all responding to the Incarnate Word in the grace and power of His incarnate love and challenges to faithfulness in the Way and loving service to the Lord of all, father of the children of His love.

I, the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, am the Light of the World to all who seek power for progress in the loving purpose of Him who loved all things into being and brings the redeemed and sanctified to His Presence in eternity.