Wednesday, September 8th
Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Micah 5:1-4. Matthew 1:1-16,18-23

Let the whole earth rejoice, and the sons and daughters of the Father’s love, at the birth of the Mother of salvation. As a rose of Sharon and as the apple tree among the trees of the wood so is My beloved Mother to Me and to the children of the Father’s Kingdom. Rejoice, and love her who has loved and brought forth the world’s salvation according to the Father’s will and loving purpose, tended Him and ministered to His needs as she was able, and received His broken body in her loving arms at the end.

The peace of God the Father which goes beyond all human understanding, the love of the Father’s beloved and loving Son and the grace and power of Our dynamic Holy Spirit – all are offered to each and every child of man through the faithfulness and obedience of Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word. Love her in me and pray with her to the Father.