Wednesday, September 1st
St. Gregory the Great
2 Corinthians 4:1-2,5-7. Luke 22:24-30

The light of the Father’s glory and the glory of His Being shine throughout the courts of heaven and in His whole creation; and that same light reveals the Father’s Presence in His world to all who seek to know His word and be faithful to it.

I am the Light of the Father’s world, immanent and transcendent, bringing all who are in Me and I in them to His Presence in time and through eternity. Through My incarnate life, My death and My risen life all darkness is dispelled and the Father’s glory gradually perceived by all who give themselves to the grace and power of Our indwelling.

Follow in the steps of the Son of Man; identify with the Father’s Suffering Servant. So will it be given you to glorify the Father and serve Him and your brothers and your sisters near and far through the light of His reflected glory.