Friday, September 17th
1 Corinthians 15:112-20. Luke 8:1-3

I am The Resurrection and The Life, The First-Fruit Fruit of the risen and glorified in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love by virtue of My divine sonship and My faithfulness and obedience to the Father’s will and loving purpose. Through My life an death, My resurrection and My risen life all who are in Me and I in them have eternal life both now and through eternity as they continue in Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

And all faithful in Our love and obedient in the way are witness to the truth of My resurrection and the reality of eternal life; all called to be Our word and love to others as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

Follow in My steps, then, and pray for faithfulness and obedience in the way, the truth, the life.