Monday, November 30th
St. Andrew, Apostle

I call you and every follower in The Way, each and every day, to faithfulness to the Father’s word and obedience to His will as you identify it and seek to do it in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love

Line upon line the Father’s word is given, precept upon precept offered to the faithful and the true of heart. So when the Father’s will is revealed to the ready heart and mind it is received and made the basis of all thought and action through my indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

So has it been in ages past for all born into the Father’s world. So is it now and shall be till the end of time. So is it revealed in the lives of holy ones of all times and places. “Their voice has gone out through all the earth and their message to the ends of the world.”