November 23rd
52:7-10. Luke 9:57-62
The Lord your God is king
over all the earth and I,
His Son beloved and loving,
am His messenger and power
in all things. He who has
created al things in earth
and heaven rules in unimaginable
power and glory over all
He has created and is continually
And He, the Lord of All,
has called the sons of men,
the sons and daughters of
His love, to rejoice together
and with Him in His redeemed
and sanctified creation
which even now is a part
of the reality of all that
is, straining towards fulfilment
according to His will and
loving purpose.
For this I, the Father’s
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, lived on earth and
died and bring all faithful
in Our redeeming, sanctifying
love into the glorious Kingdom
of eternal life and light
and love. Follow, then,
in faith and trust and absolute