November 16th
Margaret and St. Gertrude
58:6-11. John 15:9-12
All who seek truth and
knowledge of the things
they are called to think
and say and do in the light
of it are given what they
seek, with power to grow
in wisdom and in obedience
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose.
Come to Me all who seek
and I, the Father’s
Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, will enter heart and
mind. Offer your whole self
to the grace and power of
My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit. I, the Way, the
Truth, the Life bring all
who are I Me and I in them
to the Father in the fulness
of eternity, I strengthen
in the way, give confidence
in the truth and life abundant
even to the end.
Love and be loved through
the grace and power of My