December 27th
Holy Family
3:3-7, 14-17. Colossians 12:12-21.
Luke 2:11-32
“I have created you
and am continually creating
you in the grace and power
of My love”. So speaks
the Father to His beloved
sons and daughters. I have
redeemed you – Pray
that the Father's Word Incarnate
and Incarnate Lover increase
in you daily. “I sanctify
you as you seek the Father’s
will and identify in faith
and trust in His loving
purpose”. So Our Holy
Spirit witnesses to the
Father’s glorious
cosmic operation in the
grace and power of our love.
Seek, then, the Father’s
will in all things, each
in his life and living and
all together in family,
community and people. Cast
off the sin and selfishness
and wilfulness which divides
and separates from service
of the Father and from His
loved ones near and far.
I, the Father’s beloved
and loving Son speak to
each and every one born
into the Father’s
glorious world and I am
The Way, The Truth, The