Friday, December 25th
Christmas Day
Isaiah 5 7-10. Hebrews 1:1-6. John 1:1-16

The Father’s will and loving purpose is proclaimed today and every day in and through My incarnation. With Him in creation I am the Word-Made –Flesh, the Father’s creative and redemptive love, with and through Our Holy Spirit.

I enter every mind and heart open to My Presence and bring to faithfulness and obedience in Our love all who give themselves to the Father’s will and loving purpose, All who are in Me and I in them I bring to the glorious Presence of the Father in time and through eternity in the grace and power, the light and joy ad glory of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

All who are in Me and I in them I bring to the glorious Presence of the Father in time and through eternity in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.