Tuesday, July 22nd
St. Mary Magdalene
Song of Songs 3:1-4. John 20:11-18

The Spirit of the Most High enters heart and mind of all prepared for Him and proceeds into the soul of all committed to Him. The faithful in Our love are cleansed, strengthened and empowered through Our indwelling to do the will of the Most High and to witness to the power and the glory of Eternal Love.

You and all the children of the Father’s love are called into the fulness of His loving purpose: for this I lived and died and rose again and Our Holy Spirit sanctifies all faithfully committed in My saving and redeeming love.

Follow as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. So shall Our Presence strengthen and empower you to fulfil the will of the Most High in the fulness of Eternal Love with the faithful of all times and places.