Tuesday, July 1st
Genesis 19:5-29. Matthew 8:23-27

He who created all that was or is or ever shall be made all things good and beautiful according to His will and loving purpose. Within the ambiance of all power are seeds both constructive and destructive, but the Creator Lord has offered to the sons of men the means of transforming all that is contrary to His loving purpose into good and constructive potential. Because of the abiding Presence of the Lord of All within and around His whole creation all is well, all things are well, and all is potentially contained within His loving purpose.

But there needs must be response from each and all who look for progress and fulfilment: through prayer and faithfulness and obedience to Our light and leading the Father's will is gradually known, His loving purpose revealed and power given to one and all responding in faith and trust and love and absolute self-giving.

I am the Way, The Truth, The Life.