Sunday, July 20th
Wisdom 12:16-19 Romans 8:26-27. Matthew 13:24-43

The power of the Most High is vibrant in the world of His creation, but it is loving in its justice and compassionate in judgment.

The Father’s Kingdom grows and increases constantly: so has it been from the beginning and shall be till the end of time. All the sons and daughters of the Father’s love are free to choose as they are called and guided, but choice involves judgment. Love constantly calls to those who consciously choose to reject the light and life offered and are joyfully received back into the Father’s Kingdom are all who seek return.

The whole world and all the sons of men are part of the Father’s continuing creation and I, His Son, beloved and loving, His re-creative power. Our Holy Spirit enters heart and mind of all who pray in faith and trust and fulfils in them the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will as they continue faithful in the way.