December 24th
Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14-16.
Luke 1:67-79
The promises of the Lord
your God are secure, their
fulfilment certain in the
power of His love. Only
be faithful in the Father’s
will and loving purpose
as you are enabled and empowered.
Pray that Our Holy Spirit
cleanse your heart and mind
and enlighten you in the
way. So shall the Sun of
Righteousness arise in you,
the Son of the Most High
born in you. So it is for
all who seek the Father’s
word and power to live in
the light and power of it.
May the Father’s
Love Incarnate be born in
you afresh and make you
His love and peace to others.
I speak to every one of
the Father’s beloved
sons and daughters.