December 13th
48:1-4, 9-11. Matthew 17:10-12
Wake up, each one and every
one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters
in every place and race
and faith and peoples. Let
the torch of truth be kindled
in every heart and mind,
the fire kindled burn up
and destroy all that obscures
the light in individual,
community and nations. The
light and fire illumine
and destroy but also enlighten
and empower all using them
as power for progress in
eternal life.
The sun of righteousness
and light and life shines
already in the Father’s
world but it is seen only
by those responding to it.
The Son of the Most High
comes to heart and mind
and community and people
who give themselves through
cleansing, dedication and
self-giving to the Lord
of All and service to the
one and many.
All who seek the Father’s
will and loving purpose
are brought, through and
in their faithfulness to
the Son of Man, to the fulness
of eternal life into the
glorious Presence of Eternal