Saturday, December 22nd
1 Samuel 1:24-28. Luke 1:46-56

The Lord-Creator, Father of the sons of men, has power over His whole creation. So was it from the beginning, so is it now and shall be till the end of time. But He has given the children of His love a share in the creation and the re-creation of His glorious world, with power to choose or to refuse His loving purpose. Each child of man born into the Father’s world is called and challenged to identify with His will and enabled and empowered as they respond in love and in self-giving.

In humility and joy Mary, My beloved Mother, responded to her glorious call and challenge in joy, obedience, faithfulness and love. Through her response and the empowering of Our Holy Spirit all the sons of men are blessed, all called to receive the gift and challenge of eternal life through the power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.