Sunday, December 16th
Isaiah 35:6-10. James 5:7-10. Matthew 11:2-11

Let the power of Our love strengthen and encourage you, give hope, joy, insight and holiness. But let it challenge, too, not to thoughtless action but to patient waiting on the Father’s will and loving purpose.

So will the Father’s will be done in you and in all faithful to the word and obedient in the grace and power of our saving, sanctifying love. The Father’s Kingdom is established in His world where Love prompts, enables and empowers, extended where Our Holy Spirit leads and guides.

It is the Father’s will and loving purpose to bring His beloved sons and daughters into the fulness of his love and to wholeness in body, mind and spirit. For this I lived, for this I died. For this I ceaselessly live and work in the hearts and minds of all who will receive and welcome Me in love and in self-giving.