March 6th
St. Paul
Miki, priest and companions:
2:19-20. Matthew 28:16-20
It is given you to remember
witnesses to My saving love
both at the time appointed
by my Church and throughout
all times and seasons. I
died that you might live,
beloved of the Father, and
many down the ages since
my incarnate years have
died in faithfulness and
commitment and in great
pain and suffering.
Willingness to suffer for
the cause of truth and to
identify with My redeeming
love is the supreme test
of love, witnessing both
to My love in those suffering
and to their love for Our
Total Godhead and for each
child of man whoever lived
or ever will.
Let the truth of Our saving,
sanctifying love be printed
on your mind and lived out
in your heart, beloved of
the Father. Dedicate all
you have and all you are,
all you encounter and all
that you may suffer to My
love and to the Father's
will and loving purpose.
So will you rejoice with
Me and with all souls made
perfect in Our love in the
joy and glory of my risen
life with Him who is and
was and with Our Holy Spirit?