December 8th
Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
1:3-4,11-12. Luke 1:26-38
The Father who has created
all that is and is constantly
creating calls each one
of His beloved sons and
daughters to perfection
in the fulness of Our saving,
sanctifying love. And each
He endows with gifts and
blessings which are necessary
for them to fulfil His will
and loving purpose. But
each must give assent and
co-operation of mind and
heart, the will identified
and constantly fortified
by the grace and power of
Our Holy Spirit.
And so it was with My beloved
Mother, endowed with gifts
and blessings, from the
beginning she was graciously
prepared to become the vessel
of the incarnation of Eternal
Love. Her obedience and
faithfulness were the context
of My incarnation . Each
child of man is endowed
form the beginning , called
and challenged to take his
unique place in the Father's
Kingdom of eternal life
and light and love.