December 14th
John of the Cross
Cor.2:1-10. Luke 14:25-33
Seek above all else the
wisdom and the power of
Our loving Holy Spirit to
bring and keep you in the
way of obedience and faithfulness
to the Father's will and
loving purpose.
From those to whom much
is given much is sought.
I suffered and I died for
each child of man whoever
lived or ever will. And
My death and suffering are
for the release from sin
and all that separates from
the freedom and the joy
of eternal life in the glorious
Presence of the Lord of
all in the Kingdom of His
light and love.
The faithfully committed
in Our saving, sanctifying
love are in Our Kingdom
now . But they are called
to let Us further purify
them by the fire of love
and identify with the sacrificial
offering of the Son of Man.
So will they, at the end
of time, be oned with Us
and with all so committed
according to the Father's
will and loving purpose.