Sunday, July 27th
2 Kings 4:42-46. Ephesians 4:1-6. Matt. 4:1-6

Your Heavenly Father gives to all according to their needs: all who seek will find, all who are committed to His will and loving purpose are blessed, enabled and progressed along the way. For He loves all whom He creates and brings them to the fullness of their being as they are faithful to His word within their heart and mind.

I am the Father's Word Incarnate and His Incarnate Love. I lived on earth. I died. I was raised up from death and I live now both in the courts of Heaven and in the hearts and minds of all who take Me into their soul's centre. The Bread of Angels is continually offered to the sons of men that they may be built up in love and become a means of Our enloving in the Father's glorious world.