Monday, January 6th
The Feast of the Epiphany
Isaiah 60:1-6. Ephes.3:2,5-6, Matt. 2:1-12

Let all committed to the word of truth and love be sensitive to the Father's message it conveys. His word is spoken to both great and humble, to individual and community. And it is simple yet more profound than any human mind can fathom in its mortal time. The dynamic of that word is the power of all goodness, healing, wholeness and of holiness, and progress in the way of life eternal. I am the Father's Word Incarnate, spoken to His world at the time of His appointing, revealing both the glory of the Godhead and the invitation and enabling of all men and women in the world to share both the glory and the making of the Kingdom of eternal life and love.

Each child of man responding to this glorious message of the Father is called to make it known to all within their world as they are led and guided by Our loving Holy Spirit. This they will do - the totally committed in Our love - through what they are and what they are becoming, and through Dynamic Love within their hearts and minds. Be challenged, then, by the content of this word, each beloved child of your loving Heavenly Father. Offer every moment of each day to this most glorious dynamic and fulfilling message of the Father. . Take Me into the centre of your heart and mind and listen to the guiding of Our Holy Spirit. So shall the Father's word be spoken in your soul and heard by those whom He desires to bring into the fullness of His Kingdom.