Wednesday, January 1st
Solemnity of Mary

Numbers 6:22-27. Gal.4:4-7. Luke 2:16-21

The Father's light shines on the faithful and the true of heart and they have peace through Our Indwelling. And they become the Father's sons and daughters in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Be subject to the law of love in all things and the peace which passes knowledge shall be yours for ever. Mary, Mother of Incarnate Love, is intercessor for the sons of men in all times and places. Constantly she offers Me, her Son beloved and loving, to the Father and to the Father's world.

Pray, then, for peace on earth and in the hearts and minds of all the Father's children. The intercession of My beloved Mother is powerful in the world of men and women and in the courts of Heaven. Identify your prayers with hers. So shall the peace which passes knowledge be yours and those for whom you pray and you will fulfil the Father's will and loving purpose through the power of Our saving, sanctifying love - as you continue faithful.